( CURRENT OWNERS please read the OWNERS page. There is VERY important information. Thank you!)
My goal is to inform the public the truth regarding pet primates in the United States, to provide current owners with enrichment ideas for their primates, and educate those who believe they want a monkey about the responsibilities that come with owning a monkey by providing objective information. I want to show the public that monkeys are not the violent, diseased animals that animal rights groups portray. They can be very loving, affectionate, and caring companions when raised under the right circumstances.
I support 100% responsible ownership of all exotic pets, but I do believe that there should be FAIR regulations regarding exotic animal ownership, and domestic as well, to prevent the casual acquisition and suffering of animals who are placed in homes where owners do not have the knowledge and means to properly care for them.
I do not suggest anyone purchase a pet monkey on a whim. They require caretakers who are knowledgeable in their husbandry. Primates are complex species which require large enclosures, mental stimulation, companionship (preferably of same species) 24 hours a day, specialized diets, nurturing, and discipline. They require an enormous amount of time. I can not stress enough the importance of research, and the commitment required BEFORE acquiring a pet primate. Most primate species will live 25 years in captivity, with Capuchins living up to FIFTY YEARS in captive settings. Many people think they want a monkey until they see what is really involved in caring for one. Can it be a positive experience? Yes, but only when entered into within the right circumstances. Your expectations must be flexible. The baby stage passes very quickly, and caretakers will find themselves with full grown primates within the first two years. They can make a BIG mess. The medium sized species and larger are very smart and they can manipulate their hands just as us humans, which means they can open their cages if not secured properly. They can open windows, refrigerators, and require 24 hour supervision when out of their cage. Monkeys require the same level of care and responsibility one would need to give a 2 year old human. The “Terrible Two’s” stage will last the ENTIRE duration of a monkeys life. Primates are very curious. They can and will get into everything and anything within reach (considering that they all climb, everything not under lock and key is within reach). Vet care is expensive, about 3-5 times more than dog vet care because an exotic animal vet is required. They are already illegal in many states/counties, with many more working on bans or other legislation.
Remember, it is not the animal that is the problem, but owners who are not educated in their care!
"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them and what you do not know, you will fear. What one fears, one destroys." Native American, Chief Dan George
The Threat of Animal Rights
Animal rights groups are pushing our legislators now more than ever to further
their cause of total animal liberation. Animal rights groups such as People for
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Humane Society of the United States (HSUS, not to
be confused with local human society shelters), Animal Liberation Front (ALF), and
Animal Protection Institute of America use misleading and often false statements regarding both domestic and exotic animal ownership. All pet owners, not just those who own exotics, need to stick together to protect our rights to own our pets. Remember, animal rights wants to eliminate all animals from homes, zoos, and entertainment. If they continue to pass laws prohibiting ownership, the only result will be the extinction of many animals, such as lions and tigers. Many exotics have few left in the wild, and humans will continue to encroach on their natural habitats. If these exotics were left ONLY in the wild, in a matter of years they would be at or near extinction. Is up to responsible owners and zoological institutions to continue to breed these animals in captivity so that our children will be able to witness first hand the magnificence of these creatures, and not just see them through the pages of an encyclopedia. In the US, importation of endangered species is strictly monitored to prevent the capturing of wild populations. Most developed countries follow CITES guidelines. Exotics in the US are captive bred and are in fact contributing to the survival of many species of animals.
Below are organizations that support responsible ownership of exotic animals and help preserve those rights. I encourage you to visit their sites and learn about other exotics and the issues that affect our rights.

Some Pictures of Joey and Sofie
Also in this site there will be mention of Dasha, my mother-in-law's 13 year old tufted capuchin. She has had her since she was about 4 weeks old.

Dasha, smiling. She loves showing off her beautiful canines.
For those seriously considering primate ownership I HIGHLY recommend the book by Monkey Matters Magazine titled "Monkey Matters Complete Guide to Care and Behavior." It can be purchased by clicking on the following link Monkey Matters Complete Guide to Care and Behavior. This book is a MUST HAVE for any primate owner. It is full of information relating to diet, enrichment, infant care, basic training, proper caging, restraint & handling, bonding, zoonoses, and much more. It also has chapters on each primate species and their characteristics and specific traits with owner's experiences raising that specific species. It is full of wonderful pictures. Also, in the chapters regarding caging, veterinary restraint, etc, are pictures to illustrate for better comprehension. I learned a lot from this book.
Have any questions/comments, click on the link to Send me an Email! .
ALL pictures on PetMonkeyInfo.com are copywright/property of Petmonkeyinfo.com and can not be reproduced, downloaded, published or otherwise used for any purpose without prior permission.